Sonder is a rebrand brief I did while enrolled at Shillington School of Graphic Design. The store D.D's Discount, an American discount store has a reputation for cheap, out-of-style clothes and items as well as a washed out and old color palette and outdated logo. In this rebrand, I revitalized the color palette with vibrant and bold colors that embrace a quality but affordable shopping experience for consumers. The brand name "Sonder" stems from the newly coined neologism that means the profound feeling of realizing that everyone, including strangers passing in the street, has a life as complex as one's own, which they are constantly living despite one's personal lack of awareness of it. This idea of continuing individualism and the complexity of life is the substance of Sonder because it focuses on individual needs. Sonder revolves around the consumer and empathizes with them as they face a complex world. The free-flowing flower logo stands for Sonder's commitment to simplicity and the unique brand color schemes and gradients used emphasize beauty in simplicity. Life is complex. Savings don't have to be.